Journal of Global Economy, Trade and International Business

Journal of Global Economy, Trade and International Business

Frequency :Bi-Annual

ISSN :2583-0112

Peer Reviewed Journal

Journal of Global Economy, Trade and International Business (JGETIB) is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal. It is now calling for submissions of original applied and empirical manuscripts in the area of economics, trade and international finance with a global focus. The journal will also consider submissions on current topics in inter-related fields focusing on global economy and/or emerging economies. In addition, the papers related to policy related issues and papers exploring the relationship between emerging and developing economies (individual country or emerging economies as a whole or segment of countries thereof) with developed economies (individual developed country, developed economies as a whole or a segment of countries thereof) will also be considered. This journal seeks quality empirical research while maintaining high ethical standards. The topics may include but not limited to global economic issues, international trade issues, foreign exchange markets, equity markets, foreign investments, exchange rate and its impact on trade, investments, remittances, prices, output and the economy as a whole.

Theme/Focus: The journal will focus on current economic topics with global focus, topics related to international trade and international finances and issues related to the inter-connected areas or inter-connected economies. Applied and empirical papers are welcome for this journal.

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